Pili Luna is developing an innovative material to help the design industry advance in sustainability with Ocean Leather.

We specialize in creating exotic, premium leather made from fish skin discarded by artisanal filleting cooperatives on the northern coasts of Central America. Our mission is rooted in preventing ocean acidification and empowering women, families, and communities by leveraging existing resources for growth, innovation, and transformation.

We generate impactful and sustainable business models for creating and expanding entrepreneurial ecosystem hubs, while addressing the growing demand for sustainable and ethically sourced materials.



Pili Luna
— Designer of Honduras


I am Pili Luna; I design projects and objects with human and environmental awareness.

I believe in alchemy, in the spirit of products, I love nature, I value handmade things, I am passionate about collaboration, and I create new life with waste materials, through sustainable sourcing.

Inspired by the deepest roots of our Honduran culture, and our outmost pressing problematics with the vision of giving value to every person and resource. We continue to research, explore and test, and invite you to join us on our collective journey toward a circular, blue, green and human centered economy that recreates waste and builds sustainable, inclusive, vibrant, empathic, kind and loving journeys for all.